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El-Minhadschu-Seni in German | The Education Methods of the Shining Path by Shaykh Seyyid Abdulhakim El-Huseyni Every time is different. The lifestyle is different, the understanding is different, the need is different. In order to meet the needs of the times, countless works have...
- €39,00 EUR
€39,00 EUR- €39,00 EUR
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The 9 books describe everyday situations. in which children can learn important values. It's about love for family and friends. Gratitude. Patience. Courtesy. Honesty. Environmental protection and saving. The protagonists Salih and Saliha experience this with their relatives and pets. 1. I love my...
- €27,00 EUR
€27,00 EUR- €27,00 EUR
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„IHYA'U ULUMIDDIN (TEIL 1) | DAS TOR DES WISSENS“ ist der erste Band des legendären Werkes Ihya'u Ulumiddin des großen islamischen Gelehrten und Mystikers Imam El-Ghazali (Rahimehullah). Dieses umfassende und zeitlose Meisterwerk bietet eine tiefgründige Untersuchung der Bedeutung und des Wertes von Wissen aus...
- €25,00 EUR
€25,00 EUR- €25,00 EUR
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It is a collection of 8 books, each with its own title and topic. The books describe various everyday situations and activities. which are experienced by Salih and Saliha. Topics include food. Bathe. Put on. Sleep. Clean up. Read. Doctor visits and trips into...
- €25,00 EUR
€25,00 EUR- €25,00 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung: Das Pendname von Feriduddin El-Attar ist ein zeitloses Werk der islamischen Mystik, das wertvolle Ratschläge für ein tugendhaftes Leben bietet. Mit Weisheiten über Charakterbildung, Geduld und Dankbarkeit ist es ein spiritueller Begleiter für alle, die innere Harmonie suchen. Lange Beschreibung: Das Pendname (Buch der...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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Meine schöne Religion Das Buch Meine schöne Religion ist ein kindgerechtes Lehrwerk, das sich an Kinder im Alter von 7 bis 11 Jahren richtet. Es vermittelt auf spielerische und verständliche Weise die grundlegenden Aspekte des islamischen Glaubens und dient als Einführung in die wichtigsten...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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Kurze Buchbeschreibung: Das Buch Menzil auf Deutsch: 1971 - 2023 bietet einen einzigartigen Einblick in die spirituelle und bauliche Entwicklung des Menzil-Dorfes, einem bedeutenden Zentrum der Naqschibendi-Tariqa. Es verbindet beeindruckende Fotografien mit tiefgehenden Erläuterungen und ist ein unverzichtbares Werk für alle, die die Geschichte und...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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In this wonderful biography, Ibn Allan Es-Siddiqi summarizes the life story of Shah-i Naqschibend (Quddise Sirruhu) for us and allows numerous companions of this great friend of God to have their say, who tell us first-hand about their - often miraculous - experiences with...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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How amazing the human mental life is! At one moment he was still cheering to the heavens. the next moment we are already sad to death: throughout our lives the wind of divine fate blows us back and forth between the most diverse states...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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Table of contents: The Mewlidu Nebi Blessings on the Messenger Do you want the favor of Allah? Let us call Allah's name Than Allah once The noble mother Amine Everything filled with deep happiness Thanks to the face of the beloved The leaders of...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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The five books cover different aspects of the Muslim faith. The first book, “I Think of Allah,” is about this. how Salih admires Allah's creation in the zoo. The second book, “I Love My Prophet,” is about Saliha’s love for the Prophet and how...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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True to the motto “Do you want to last forever?” You must perish first!" Hundreds of thousands of birds set off on the journey to their spiritual home. They are led by the clever hoopoe, who once learned the craft of purifying hearts and...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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Basic Knowledge of Islam is a textbook for children. Young people and newcomers to Islam. It was written for all of them. who have decided on “the only religion with Allah” and now want to find out more about their new religion. Basic knowledge...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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In the children's book series "Ahmet Learns the Fundamentals of the Islamic Faith", Ahmet's grandfather answers his most important questions about Islam and in this way teaches him the principles of our religion. Faith in Allah The first part, “Faith in Allah,”...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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Who doesn't know the story of Leyla and Medschnun? How the two meet for the first time as children and immediately fall head over heels in love with each other. Then separation, reunion, separation again. Escape into the desert, retreat from people. Loneliness, longing,...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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THE GATEWAY OF REPENTANCE Every person burdens themselves with sins and thereby makes themselves guilty before their Creator. This is the only way he can free himself from this burden of sin. by sincerely asking and resolving to forgive Allah for all his sins....
- €13,00 EUR
€13,00 EUR- €13,00 EUR
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Painting and learning I The Besmeleh I With the name of Allah This coloring book supports the religious education of children from preschool age onwards. by teaching and reminding them of the importance of Besmeleh. to say this before every beautiful action. Painting and...
- €12,50 EUR
€12,50 EUR- €12,50 EUR
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Elif and her little brother Emre are two curious children. who discover more about the pillars of Islam together. In their everyday lives they constantly encounter new peculiarities and questions. for which they find explanations and answers together with their friends and family. The...
- €12,50 EUR
€12,50 EUR- €12,50 EUR
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The philosopher Raja is faced with the ruins of his existence. The monster of doubt destroys everything. what he had previously accepted as true and the alcohol is making him increasingly lose touch with reality. But just when he's at his wits' end. he...
- €12,00 EUR
€12,00 EUR- €12,00 EUR
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Every age is primarily shaped by its contemporaries. And of course this is especially true for the “Age of Bliss” (Asr es-Sa'adeh). which is so called. because in him the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi we sellem) dwelt among the people. But what would a...
- €12,00 EUR
€12,00 EUR- €12,00 EUR
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Anyone who has ever taken a walk through the narrow streets of Istanbul's historic districts. white. that no one can escape the unmistakable charm of this vibrant city. And who could explain it to us better? what makes this metropolis so special. as a...
- €11,00 EUR
€11,00 EUR- €11,00 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung: Das Buch „Das Licht der Welten | Schema'il Muhammeds“ bietet einen einzigartigen Einblick in das Leben des Propheten Muhammed (Sallallahu aleyhi we sellem). In 27 Kapiteln werden seine äußeren Merkmale, Charaktereigenschaften und Gewohnheiten beschrieben, um eine tiefere Verbindung zu ihm aufzubauen. Perfekt...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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Whether Ali. Ibn Abbas or Abdullah Bin Umer. whether Muadh Bin Jebel. Enes Bin Malik or Zeyd Bin Thabit. whether Musab Bin Umeyr. Abdullah Bin Mesud or Sad Bin Ebu Waqqas (Radiyallahu anhum): Many of those companions. who formed the closest circle around the...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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This guide is the ideal companion during the fasting month. With the help of numerous Koranic verses and prophetic traditions, he first explains things to us in general terms. what is particularly important in the month of Ramadan. He then takes up the most...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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Although bleeding is something completely normal for adult women. It is still very difficult for them. distinguish between the different types of bleeding: Am I already on my period or is it just intermediate bleeding? Am I still in bed or have my periods...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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Imam es-Suyutis (Rahimehullah) (1445 – 1505) “Miftah el-Jenneh” is a classic from the field of hadith science methodology (Usul el-Hadith). who deals with the refutation of the Sunneh criticism of his time. And since the arguments of Sunneh critics have not changed significantly since...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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The four books for children "The Little Muslim I I learn Du'as". "The Little Muslim I I learn my religion". "The Little Muslim I I Learn Islam" and "The Little Muslim I I Learn the Basics of Faith" deals with various aspects of Islam....
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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Every religion has its own doctrine. So does Islam. Its doctrine is called Aqideh. This is the solid foundation. on which Islam is founded. It consists of the entirety of the principles of faith. which every Muslim must observe. The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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The Noble Quran is the holy book. He is the means of redeeming humanity. He is the guide for all Muslims. To give this book its due value. We Muslims were also given certain obligations towards the Noble Quran. One of these obligations is....
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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MUHAMMED (SALLALLAHU ALEYHİ WE SELLEM) I THE SEAL OF THE PROPHETS Sooner or later everyone comes across the question of the meaning of life and asks themselves questions like: “Where did I come from?” Where will I go?” And this is not surprising either....
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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What is Halal? what is haram? What is permitted to a Muslim and what is forbidden to him? This topic affects all Muslims equally and always leads to arguments between them. This book clears up misunderstandings and provides clarity. The legal judgments listed therein...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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The book “Our Beloved Prophet” tells the life story of the last of all prophets. Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi we sellem). He was not only called the “Seal of the Prophets”. but also sent as a blessing to all creatures. This work would like to...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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“You have a beautiful role model in the Messenger of Allah!” (33rd Surah: El-Ehzab. Verse 21) This Quranic saying is an invitation to all Muslims. which says: Emulate the beautiful character of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi we sellem). then you will achieve your...
- €9,00 EUR
€9,00 EUR- €9,00 EUR
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„Mein Koran Lexikon“ gehört in jedes Bücherregal, nicht nur der Kinder und Jugendlichen. Ausführliche Texte mit bunten Illustrationen zu allen religionspraktisch relevanten Themen des Korans machen das Lexikon für alle Leser interessant. Ob Wahy, Gabriel oder Aschr-i Scherif, auf diesen 88 Seiten ist das...
- €8,90 EUR
- €8,90 EUR
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Al-Asmâ' al-Husnâ – Die schönen Namen Allahs (Geschichten für Kinder) „O Allah! Du bist Ahad, Der Eine, Der mich erschuf. Du bist al-Walî, Der Freund, Der mich vor allem Übel beschützt. Du bist as-Samî', Der Alleshörende, Du hörst alle meine Bittgebete. Und Du bist...
- €8,90 EUR
- €8,90 EUR
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40 Bittgebete (Geschichten für Kinder) Das Bittgebet ist ein Schlüssel, der alle Türen öffnet.Jedes Mal, wenn wir in Not geraten, wenn wir einenWunsch haben, wenn wir etwas brauchen oder wenn wiretwas aus tiefstem Herzen begehren, wenden wir uns anunseren Herrn. Allah, der Erhabene, liebt...
- €8,90 EUR
- €8,90 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung:"40 Edle Hadithe – zum Auswendiglernen" ist ein kindgerecht gestaltetes Buch, das 40 inspirierende Hadithe des Propheten Muhammed (Sallallahu aleyhi we sellem) präsentiert. Mit farbenfrohen Illustrationen und leicht verständlicher Sprache fördert es islamische Werte wie Brüderlichkeit, Dankbarkeit und Respekt. Ideal für Familien, Schulen...
- €8,00 EUR
€8,00 EUR- €8,00 EUR
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IN MEMORY OF GAWS-I SANI SHEYKH SEYYID ABDULBAQI El-HUSEYNI (Quddise Sirruhu) On 130 pages, this memorandum describes the life of Gaws-i Sani Sheykh Seyyid Abdulbaqi El-Huseyni (may Allah sanctify his secret) from his birth through his youth and student years to his 30-year creative...
- €8,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €8,00 EUR
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"Allah's most beautiful names are. So call upon him with these!" (7th Surah El-A'raf. Verse 180) Abdulqadir Gilani (Quddise Sirruhu) was happy to comply with this request. And so he left for posterity a Du'a (supplication) with the 99 Beautiful Names of the Exalted...
- €8,00 EUR
€8,00 EUR- €8,00 EUR
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Kurze Produktbeschreibung: "Allah kennt mein Schicksal" ist ein einfühlsames Kinderbuch, das den islamischen Glauben an das Schicksal auf kindgerechte Weise erklärt. Mit sieben liebevoll illustrierten Kapiteln hilft es jungen Lesern, den Unterschied zwischen Schicksal und Fatalismus zu verstehen. Eine inspirierende Lektüre, die Vertrauen in Allah...
- €7,90 EUR
€7,90 EUR- €7,90 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung: Das Buch „Die Engel beten für uns“ führt Kinder ab 7 Jahren spielerisch und mit liebevollen Illustrationen in den islamischen Glaubensgrundsatz der Engel ein. In sechs spannenden Kapiteln erleben junge Leser alltägliche Geschichten, die ihre Vorstellungskraft anregen und den Glauben an Engel verständlich...
- €7,90 EUR
€7,90 EUR- €7,90 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung: Entdecke die wunderschönen Geschichten über den Glauben an Allah in „Allah hat mich und alles andere erschaffen“. Mit fünf liebevoll illustrierten Kapiteln, verständlich für Kinder ab 7 Jahren, vermittelt das Buch die islamischen Glaubensgrundsätze spielerisch und alltagsnah. Ideal für junge Leser, die ihre...
- €7,90 EUR
€7,90 EUR- €7,90 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung: Dieses zauberhaft illustrierte Buch erklärt Kindern ab 7 Jahren auf eine einfühlsame und spannende Weise den Glaubensgrundsatz „Glaube an Bücher“ im Islam. Mit fünf liebevoll gestalteten Kapiteln, die Geschichten und lehrreiche Inhalte verbinden, lernen Kinder die Bedeutung heiliger Bücher wie des Korans...
- €7,90 EUR
€7,90 EUR- €7,90 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung:Erleben Sie spannende und lehrreiche Abenteuer mit Knusspi und Knappi! Dieses Set aus fünf farbenfrohen Bilderbüchern nimmt Kinder mit auf eine Reise durch alltägliche Situationen, die spielerisch Werte wie Verzeihen und Helfen vermitteln. Ideal als Gute-Nacht-Geschichten oder für unterwegs dank praktischem Tragegriff. Lange...
- €7,50 EUR
€7,50 EUR- €7,50 EUR
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Mawlana Meister Der Universellen Liebe
- €7,50 EUR
- €7,50 EUR
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The days of our childhood were scattered in all directions by the wind of transience. Every now and then a tiny piece of memory flashes into our minds. when we turn, lost in thought, in a certain direction of our past. but we can't...
- €7,00 EUR
€7,00 EUR- €7,00 EUR
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Im Vergleich zu früheren Verbreitungsmöglichkeiten dürfte es aufgrund der globalen Vernetzung durch die digitalen Kommunikationsmedien nur noch wenige Menschen geben, die von der Religion Islam noch nichts gehört haben. Dass hierbei nicht alles Wissen auch sachliches und authentisches Wissen ist, erübrigt sich zu erwähnen....
- €6,90 EUR
- €6,90 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung: "Der erlaubte Bissen" beleuchtet die Bedeutung von Halal und Haram in der islamischen Ernährung. Dieses kompakte Werk verbindet spirituelle Lehren mit praktischen Ratschlägen, um das tägliche Leben gottgefällig zu gestalten. Perfekt für Muslime, die ihren Glauben in der Ernährung vertiefen möchten. Lange...
- €5,00 EUR
€5,00 EUR- €5,00 EUR
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THE HONEYCOMB OF LOVE - MUHABBET PETEĞİ Hayatın özü olan muhabbetin and bir muhabbet peteğinin ne olduğunu anlatan eser Muhabbet Peteği Semerkand Yayınları?ndan çıktı. Bu eserde Allah rızası için sevmenin. insana değer vermenin. kardeşinin derdiyle dertlenmenin hadislerle anlatımını okuyacaksınız. Muhabbet Peteği şimdi Almanca çevirisiyle...
- €5,00 EUR
€5,00 EUR- €5,00 EUR
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THE FINISHED GUIDE [HOW THE CONTRACT WITH THE MURSCHİD (WAY GUIDE) IS CONSTRUCTED AND HOW THE PROFESSION OF REPENTANCE IS EXECUTED] - MÜRŞİD-İ KÂMİL KİMDİR? Dr. Ahmet Çağıl ve Mehmet Ildırar?ın sohbetlerinden derlenen eserde mürşid-i kamilin kim olduğu anlatılıyor. İnsanlara yol göstermek. onların hayatlarına...
- €5,00 EUR
€5,00 EUR- €5,00 EUR
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