My first journey to Jerusalem starting with these feelings, turned into love over the years. On a Miraj night… There were five thousand people in al-Aqsa including the groups from Turkey. Everyone was immersed in prayer. As mosques are the...
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Satıcı: ditibverlag


My first journey to Jerusalem starting with these feelings, turned into love over the years. On a Miraj night… There were five thousand people in al-Aqsa including the groups from Turkey. Everyone was immersed in prayer. As mosques are the venues that bring us together, I thought we could make a common program. I approached the imam (the person who leads prayers in a mosque) after the night prayer and asked for permission to lead Salat al-Tasbeeh (Prayer of Forgiveness). They gave us the microphone, and I invited those who are willing to join by saying that we would perform Salat al-Tasbeeh. We all lined up in rows at al-Aqsa Mosque, for the first time a Turk led the prayer in front of the mihrab (prayer niche) of al-Aqsa Mosque 97 years after the Ottomans. Later on, the manager of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf who was in charge of the al-Aqsa Mosque requested to meet us. We accepted the invitation. The manager said, "This is the first time the Salat al-Tasbeeh has been performed since the Ottomans left, every Palestinian heard your voice rushed to al-Aqsa Mosque. It was an extraordinary night. There will be thousands of Muslims here in the Night of al-Qadr; will you lead Salat al-Tasbeeh?" I felt incredibly happy! We are incapable beings; dignity and honor are only from Allah. From that year onwards, my Lord granted me the blessing of leading the prayers at al-Aqsa Mosque every Miraj night, conducting the tasbeeh voices to rise to the firmament.

Over the years, I have come to realize that we have been talking a lot about Jerusalem, but the sources that can tell about Jerusalem are insufficient. The lack of reliable sources have paved the way for the spread of unsubstantial knowledge related to this land. Al-Hakim Nishapuri states in his work Ma’rifat Anwa’ ‘ilm Al-hadith, one of the first resources of Methodology of Hadith, “The rivers bring with them trash, too, the sage is who sorts pure water out while watering people.” Superstitions weaken the power of the truth. Thus, in this study, we tried to sort out the superstitions and create a reliable perception of Jerusalem as much as possible.

It is narrated that when Joseph, the fairest of all, is put up for sale in the slave market, an old and shabby woman gives an offer for Joseph. They ask her, "We understand everyone else but you; what can you offer for Joseph among these people who bid with gold and silver but look at yourself, you have nothing?" She says, "No matter what I have, I made an effort and placed an offer for Joseph to be mentioned among those who bid for him." We do not claim that we have had a great contribution with this narration, it is beyond our depth to try to tell about Jerusalem, but we just tried to express our feelings wishing that at least our names would be mentioned among the lovers of Jerusalem. We make efforts as much as we can but success comes only from Allah. Allah is far above any kind of defect or imperfection. The only book with no deficiencies or contradictions in itself is the Qur'an. If we have contributed to the true understanding of Jerusalem even in the least bit, happy are we. If we have had any slips of tongue, we ask for forgiveness.

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Büyük Britanya












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