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12 Aylık Semerkand Dergisi Posta Aboneliği Derginiz Semerkand 25.yılında, 2024 abonelik paketi ile yine dopdolu! 2024 Semerkand Dergisi Abonelik Paketinde; Semerkand matbu dergisinin yanı sıra, semerkand e dergiye, bünyesinde semerkand kitaplık, semerkand takvim, deailül hayrat ve günlük dualar uygulamalarını barındıran Semerkand'ın yeni süper digital...
- €100,00 EUR
€100,00 EUR- €100,00 EUR
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Basic Knowledge of Islam is a textbook for children. Young people and newcomers to Islam. It was written for all of them. who have decided on “the only religion with Allah” and now want to find out more about their new religion. Basic knowledge...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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Zemzem Suyu Zemzem suyu tüm Müslümanlar için manevi bir anlam ifade eden. tadı ve şifa kaynağı olmasıyla tanıdığımız bir içecektir. Allah'ın Hz. Hacer ve Hz. İsmail'e bir hediyesi olan zemzem. Arabistan topraklarından hala çıkmaktadır ve kaynağı net olarak bilinememektedir. Allah'ın mucizesiyle ortaya çıkan bu...
- From €2,50 EUR
€2,50 EUR- From €2,50 EUR
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Every religion has its own doctrine. So does Islam. Its doctrine is called Aqideh. This is the solid foundation. on which Islam is founded. It consists of the entirety of the principles of faith. which every Muslim must observe. The Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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The Noble Quran is the holy book. He is the means of redeeming humanity. He is the guide for all Muslims. To give this book its due value. We Muslims were also given certain obligations towards the Noble Quran. One of these obligations is....
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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MUHAMMED (SALLALLAHU ALEYHİ WE SELLEM) I THE SEAL OF THE PROPHETS Sooner or later everyone comes across the question of the meaning of life and asks themselves questions like: “Where did I come from?” Where will I go?” And this is not surprising either....
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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Would you like to teach your children prayer in a playful way? The MyMescid - Children's Mosque is an ideal solution to combine fun and spiritual learning. In this playful mosque, children discover prayer interactively while strengthening family bonds. MyMescid - Children's Mosque is...
- €49,00 EUR
€59,00 EUR- €49,00 EUR
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El-Minhadschu-Seni in German | The Education Methods of the Shining Path by Shaykh Seyyid Abdulhakim El-Huseyni Every time is different. The lifestyle is different, the understanding is different, the need is different. In order to meet the needs of the times, countless works have...
- €39,00 EUR
€39,00 EUR- €39,00 EUR
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Although bleeding is something completely normal for adult women. It is still very difficult for them. distinguish between the different types of bleeding: Am I already on my period or is it just intermediate bleeding? Am I still in bed or have my periods...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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Whether Ali. Ibn Abbas or Abdullah Bin Umer. whether Muadh Bin Jebel. Enes Bin Malik or Zeyd Bin Thabit. whether Musab Bin Umeyr. Abdullah Bin Mesud or Sad Bin Ebu Waqqas (Radiyallahu anhum): Many of those companions. who formed the closest circle around the...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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In this wonderful biography, Ibn Allan Es-Siddiqi summarizes the life story of Shah-i Naqschibend (Quddise Sirruhu) for us and allows numerous companions of this great friend of God to have their say, who tell us first-hand about their - often miraculous - experiences with...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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“You have a beautiful role model in the Messenger of Allah!” (33rd Surah: El-Ehzab. Verse 21) This Quranic saying is an invitation to all Muslims. which says: Emulate the beautiful character of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi we sellem). then you will achieve your...
- €9,00 EUR
€9,00 EUR- €9,00 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung: Das Buch „Das Licht der Welten | Schema'il Muhammeds“ bietet einen einzigartigen Einblick in das Leben des Propheten Muhammed (Sallallahu aleyhi we sellem). In 27 Kapiteln werden seine äußeren Merkmale, Charaktereigenschaften und Gewohnheiten beschrieben, um eine tiefere Verbindung zu ihm aufzubauen. Perfekt...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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How amazing the human mental life is! At one moment he was still cheering to the heavens. the next moment we are already sad to death: throughout our lives the wind of divine fate blows us back and forth between the most diverse states...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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- €9,00 EUR
- €9,00 EUR
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- €15,00 EUR
€50,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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"Allah's most beautiful names are. So call upon him with these!" (7th Surah El-A'raf. Verse 180) Abdulqadir Gilani (Quddise Sirruhu) was happy to comply with this request. And so he left for posterity a Du'a (supplication) with the 99 Beautiful Names of the Exalted...
- €8,00 EUR
€8,00 EUR- €8,00 EUR
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„IHYA'U ULUMIDDIN (TEIL 1) | DAS TOR DES WISSENS“ ist der erste Band des legendären Werkes Ihya'u Ulumiddin des großen islamischen Gelehrten und Mystikers Imam El-Ghazali (Rahimehullah). Dieses umfassende und zeitlose Meisterwerk bietet eine tiefgründige Untersuchung der Bedeutung und des Wertes von Wissen aus...
- €25,00 EUR
€25,00 EUR- €25,00 EUR
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Kurze Beschreibung: "Der erlaubte Bissen" beleuchtet die Bedeutung von Halal und Haram in der islamischen Ernährung. Dieses kompakte Werk verbindet spirituelle Lehren mit praktischen Ratschlägen, um das tägliche Leben gottgefällig zu gestalten. Perfekt für Muslime, die ihren Glauben in der Ernährung vertiefen möchten. Lange...
- €5,00 EUR
€5,00 EUR- €5,00 EUR
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Altın Silsile ve Hatme Duası | Cep Boy Teknik Özellikler; Sayfa Sayısı: 80 Ebat: 7,5 X 11,5 cm Cilt: Karton Kapak / Tel Dikiş Dil: Türkçe / Arapça Kağıt Tipi: Kitap Kağıdı
- €4,00 EUR
€4,00 EUR- €4,00 EUR
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What is Halal? what is haram? What is permitted to a Muslim and what is forbidden to him? This topic affects all Muslims equally and always leads to arguments between them. This book clears up misunderstandings and provides clarity. The legal judgments listed therein...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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Every age is primarily shaped by its contemporaries. And of course this is especially true for the “Age of Bliss” (Asr es-Sa'adeh). which is so called. because in him the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi we sellem) dwelt among the people. But what would a...
- €12,00 EUR
€12,00 EUR- €12,00 EUR
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Gavs-ı Sânî Şeyh Seyyid Abdülbaki El-Hüseyni (ks) Sohbetler - 1 1993 yılında irşad vazifesini devralan Gavs-ı Sânî Şeyh Seyyid Abdülbaki el-Hüseynî hazretleri [kuddise surruhu], Allah yoluna vakfettiği ömrünün otuz yılını bilfiil ümmetin irşadı i çin sarfetmiştir. İlerleyen yaşı ve sağlık koşullarının oluşturduğu maniler bile...
- €13,00 EUR
€20,00 EUR- €13,00 EUR
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Semerkand Dergisi, Eylül ayında "Gavs-ı Sânî Şeyh Seyyid Abdülbâkî el-Hüseynî Hazretleri Özel Sayısı" ile okuyucusuyla birlikte. Son asrın en büyük Allah dostlarından ve kâmil mürşidlerinden Gavs-ı Sânî Şeyh Seyyid Abdülbâkî el-Hüseynî hazretleri Temmuz ayında Rahmet-i Rahman'a kavuştu. Ardında yüz binlerce mahzun gönül bıraktı. Müridânı...
- €8,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €8,00 EUR
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Imam es-Suyutis (Rahimehullah) (1445 – 1505) “Miftah el-Jenneh” is a classic from the field of hadith science methodology (Usul el-Hadith). who deals with the refutation of the Sunneh criticism of his time. And since the arguments of Sunneh critics have not changed significantly since...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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THE GATEWAY OF REPENTANCE Every person burdens themselves with sins and thereby makes themselves guilty before their Creator. This is the only way he can free himself from this burden of sin. by sincerely asking and resolving to forgive Allah for all his sins....
- €13,00 EUR
€13,00 EUR- €13,00 EUR
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The four books for children "The Little Muslim I I learn Du'as". "The Little Muslim I I learn my religion". "The Little Muslim I I Learn Islam" and "The Little Muslim I I Learn the Basics of Faith" deals with various aspects of Islam....
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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Who doesn't know the story of Leyla and Medschnun? How the two meet for the first time as children and immediately fall head over heels in love with each other. Then separation, reunion, separation again. Escape into the desert, retreat from people. Loneliness, longing,...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
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This guide is the ideal companion during the fasting month. With the help of numerous Koranic verses and prophetic traditions, he first explains things to us in general terms. what is particularly important in the month of Ramadan. He then takes up the most...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
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Meine schöne Religion Das Buch Meine schöne Religion ist ein kindgerechtes Lehrwerk, das sich an Kinder im Alter von 7 bis 11 Jahren richtet. Es vermittelt auf spielerische und verständliche Weise die grundlegenden Aspekte des islamischen Glaubens und dient als Einführung in die wichtigsten...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
- Unit price
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TEFSİR-İ MEVAKİB | KUR'ÂN-I KERİM 'İN MEAL TEFSİRİ Asli olduğu gibi muhafaza edilen tek mukaddes kitap: Kur'ân-ı Kerim Kur'ân'ı Kerim indiği donemden günümüze kadar gençliğini ve tazeliğini muhafaza etmiştir. Çünkü o, İlâhî koruma altındadır. Peygamber'den (sav) sorarak öğrenmişler, daha sonra gelenler sahabeden, sonradan gelenler...
- €49,00 EUR
€60,00 EUR- €49,00 EUR
- Unit price
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KADIN VE AiLE iLMiHALi Kadın ve Aile Ilmihali. aile sorunlarını Islam'ın sevgi düsturuna dayalı olarak asmanın yollarını gösteriyor. ” Evliligin anlamı. it seçiminde dikkat edilecek hususlar. nikahın getirdigi hak ve sorumluluklar. cinsel ve özel hayat. kadınların özel halleri. örtünmeleri ve sosyal hayatta karsılastıkları sıkıntılar....
- €14,95 EUR
€23,00 EUR- €14,95 EUR
- Unit price
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Mübarek Gün ve Geceler Etkinlik Paketi Bir kutu düşünün; içinde rengarenk mahyalar. Işıklı table. posterler. süslemeler. birbirinden güzel dua kartlan ve sürpriz hediyeler olsun. Şimdi bir kutu daha düşünün; "Nerede o eski Ramazanlar?" özlemini çoluk çocuk hepimiz için dindirsin. Evlerimize üç aylar ve Ramazan'ın...
- €15,00 EUR
€25,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
- Unit price
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Ramazan Günlüğüm (48 sayfa, digital indirme) Ramazan is in this year's book: Ailelerin and Çocukların bu kutsal ayı farkındalık ve neşe dolu bir şekilde geçirmeleri için özel olarak tasarlanmış digital bir ajanda. Bu 48 sayfalık planner interactive and kullanışlı özelliklerle doludur: Özelleştirilebilir ve Yazdırılabilir:...
- €5,90 EUR
€5,90 EUR- €5,90 EUR
- Unit price
- / per
EZKÂR DUA VE ZİKİRLER 1-2 13. yüzyılın büyük sûfî âlimlerinden İmam Nevevî [rahmetullahi aleyh] tarafından kaleme alınan bu eser. uykuya yatarken. uykudan limestone. sabah-akşam. namazlardan sonra ve birbirini takip eden benzeri durumlarda zamanlarda Resûlullah'ın [sallallahu aleyhi vesellem] yapılmasını tavsiye ettiği zikir ve dualar hususunda...
- €35,00 EUR
€46,00 EUR- €35,00 EUR
- Unit price
- / per
Fethu'r Rabbânî | Şeyh Abdülkadir Geylânî 11. yüzyılın büyük sûfî âlimi Şeyh Abdülkâdir Geylânî kuddise sırruhû, kaleme aldığı eserlerle yalnızca yaşadığı dönemde değil, hemen her asırda derin izler bırakan s ûfî bir âlimdir. Bu değerli eserlerin arasında öyle bir kitap vardır ki ahlâk ve...
- €20,00 EUR
€30,00 EUR- €20,00 EUR
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Elif and her little brother Emre are two curious children. who discover more about the pillars of Islam together. In their everyday lives they constantly encounter new peculiarities and questions. for which they find explanations and answers together with their friends and family. The...
- €12,50 EUR
€12,50 EUR- €12,50 EUR
- Unit price
- / per
Gavs-ı Sânî Şeyh Seyyid Abdülbaki El-Hüseyni (ks) Sohbetler - 1 1993 yılında irşad vazifesini devralan Gavs-ı Sânî Şeyh Seyyid Abdülbaki el-Hüseynî hazretleri [kuddise surruhu], Allah yoluna vakfettiği ömrünün otuz yılını bilfiil ümmetin irşadı i çin sarfetmiştir. İlerleyen yaşı ve sağlık koşullarının oluşturduğu maniler bile...
- €13,00 EUR
€20,00 EUR- €13,00 EUR
- Unit price
- / per
In the children's book series "Ahmet Learns the Fundamentals of the Islamic Faith", Ahmet's grandfather answers his most important questions about Islam and in this way teaches him the principles of our religion. Faith in Allah The first part, “Faith in Allah,”...
- €15,00 EUR
€15,00 EUR- €15,00 EUR
- Unit price
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The book “Our Beloved Prophet” tells the life story of the last of all prophets. Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi we sellem). He was not only called the “Seal of the Prophets”. but also sent as a blessing to all creatures. This work would like to...
- €10,00 EUR
€10,00 EUR- €10,00 EUR
- Unit price
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